ES 144 - Introduction to Oceanography Fall 201
Hi All -
Here you will find information including the syllabus, assignments, and any supplemental reading for our class. As a reminder we meet M,W,F from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm in CAS B50. Lectures will be posted shortly after class. Click on the Lecture below to download the ppt lecture.
Also don't forget to follow us on twitter to learn more about the oceans and science in general. For items relevant to this course - I'll tag #BUOceans... feel free to use that tag too - but please be responsible.
Now - let's learn about the ocean!
Prof. Fulweiler
Lecture 3: Origins
Lecture 4: Water, Water Everywhere....
Lecture 5: Plate Tectonics I - Initial Theories
Lecture 6: Plate Tectonics II - Evidence
Lecture 7: Plate Tectonics III - Plate Movement
Lecture 8: Plate Tectonics - The Remix
Exam II - Material Begins here:
Lecture 11: Atmosphere and Oceans
Lecture 12: Atmosphere, Oceans, Hurricanes
Lecture 13: Ocean Circulation - Surface Currents
Exam III - Material Begins here:
Lecture 14: Deep Ocean Circulation
Lecture 15: Ocean waves
Lecture 16: Rogue Waves and Surfing
Lecture 17: Tides - a special kind of wave
Lecture 19: Marine Ecology & the Three Domains of Life
Lecture 20: Plankton
Lecture 21: Primary Production - patterns
Lecture 22: Primary Production II - production & respiration
Lecture 23: Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)
Lecture 24: Biological Pump
Lecture 25: The Immortal Life of a Jellyfish
Exam III - Material Ends
Lecture 26: Do Sea Monsters Exist?
Lecture 27: Marine Mammals
Lecture 28: Whales
Lecture 29: Deep Sea Life & Hydrothermal Vents
Lecture 30: Big Foot: Nitrogen, the Ocean, and You (**Bonus Quiz Day**)
Lecture 32: Final Exam Review
Key will not be available as there are students who need to take the final next semester.