Benthic Biofilm Sampling

We are interested the microscopic photosynthetic algae and cyanobacteria that live in sediments. These are also called microphytobenthos. They are a critical component in biofilms that inhabit the surface layer of sediments in both freshwater and marine environments including tidal creeks and tidal flats. They play a crucial role in determining tidal flat stability. We are interested in how these organisms alter tidal flat biogeochemistry. In addition, we want to understand how nutrient enrichment changes these organisms.
May Tidal Flat Sampling
Nutrient Flux Sampling - Memorial Day Weekend!

ISCO automatic water sampler
To link marsh processes with the tidal flats and beyond - we, along with our colleagues at the Marine Biological Laboratory and in the BU Earth Sciences department, measure nutrient and sediment fluxes in the Plum Island Sound complex. To better understand how these fluxes vary in space and time we collect water samples over different tidal cycles (neap vs. spring) throughout the year. Sometimes we use an automatic sampler (see the ISCO sampler to the left) other times we sample using a Niskin bottle. Our first major flux survey was Memorial Day weekend 2010!